Jul 09, 2010 02:32
I danced in the middle of a field today.
In my underwear getting showered by sprinklers.
The sky was dark, the air was burning.
With your hand in mine, I've never felt so alive.
*happy sigh*
Dec 15, 2009 00:13
Oh LiveJournal,
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways...
I was having an awful day, awful awful awful, I wanted to curl up in a little ball of gloom and not move ever again. But then I came home to all of these comments and well, My Glee!face, let me show you it xD!!!!!!! I was beaming and flailing, and stuttering every which way.
*happy sigh*
Nov 17, 2009 13:28
In the quiet, among the mess of sheets, the sweat would cool and our bodies would lie together in a tangle of limbs, content to stroke and whisper until the sun filtered through the blinds.
*happy sigh*